1. What current states did New Mexico Territory include in the 1800s?

2. Where did the Santa Fe start and end? Why was it important?

3. How were Native Americans treated by the Spanish and the Mexicans?

4. Why did James K. Polk want war with Mexico? How did he plan to do this?

5. What three goals did James K. Polk plan to use to defeat Mexico?

6. What treaty ended the Mexican War? When was it signed?

7. How much territory did America acquire because of the Mexican-American War?

These questions are all around the same times.
Please help me. I tried, but I cannot figure this out.

For questions 2, 3, and 4 I don't know that's all the assignment says.

Anyone else want to help me? Please! I still didn't find the answers.

Have you answered the other questions?

Which other questions?

1, 5, 6, 7

Please do not post again unless you post your answer for those questions.

1. To find out which current states were included in the New Mexico Territory in the 1800s, you can start by understanding the territorial evolution of the United States. During the 19th century, several states were carved out from the vast territories under American control. In the case of New Mexico, it encompassed a larger area than the present-day state of New Mexico. To get a precise answer, you can investigate the historical maps showing the territorial boundaries and changes during that time period, referred to as the New Mexico Territory. This research will help you identify the specific states that were included, as the boundaries may have shifted over time.

2. To determine the starting and ending point of the Santa Fe trail, a historical trade route, you need to gather historical information. The Santa Fe Trail began in various locations depending on the era. The most common starting point was Independence, Missouri, and it stretched to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Its importance stems from it being a major trade route connecting Missouri and the newly acquired Mexican territory. This allowed for trade between the United States and Mexico, leading to economic growth and cultural exchange.

3. Exploring how Native Americans were treated by the Spanish and Mexicans requires an understanding of historical relations between these groups. As European powers expanded into the Americas, indigenous populations faced different treatment based on the colonizers. The Spanish colonization of the Americas often showcased a mixed approach regarding Native Americans. While there were instances of forced labor and brutality, the Spanish also established missions that sought to convert natives to Christianity. Mexicans, following their independence from Spain, inherited some of these practices and attitudes towards Native Americans. However, Native Americans' treatment varied widely based on regional circumstances and interactions with different individuals.

4. To comprehend why James K. Polk wanted war with Mexico, you need to delve into the geopolitical motivations and expansionist goals of the United States during his presidency. Polk aimed to acquire additional territory for the United States, particularly in the Southwest, which he believed was rightfully American. His desire for war with Mexico stemmed from the unresolved border dispute between Texas (annexed by the U.S. in 1845) and Mexico. Polk believed that by provoking a conflict, the United States could secure Texas and additional territories claimed by both countries.

5. To identify the three goals James K. Polk planned to use to defeat Mexico, it is necessary to investigate the strategies employed during the Mexican-American War. One goal was to capture Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, to force the Mexican government to negotiate a favorable peace treaty. Another objective was to gain control of the northern territories, including present-day California and New Mexico, to secure American interests in the region. Lastly, Polk sought to demonstrate military superiority and assert American dominance, which would provide leverage in negotiations and potentially expand American influence in the Americas.

6. To determine the treaty that ended the Mexican War and its signing date, you should research historical records of treaties signed between the United States and Mexico during that period. The treaty that concluded the Mexican War is known as the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It was signed on February 2, 1848.

7. To find out how much territory America acquired because of the Mexican-American War, you can examine the terms outlined in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The United States acquired a significant amount of territory in this agreement, including present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, parts of Colorado and Wyoming, as well as small portions of other states. This acquisition expanded the territorial size of the United States substantially. Researching the specifics of the treaty and its provisions will provide detailed information on the territorial gains.

1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico_Territory

2. Do you mean the Santa Fe Trail?
3, What does your reading assignment say?
4. What does your reading assignment say?
5. https://jamesknoxpolkeffectiveness.weebly.com/polks-4-goals.html
6. Google Treaty ended Mexican War
7. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=NaC7XLTAKumS0wLMn7DIDw&q=territory+did+America+acquire+because+of+the+Mexican-American+War%3F&btnK=Google+Search&oq=territory+did+America+acquire+because+of+the+Mexican-American+War%3F&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i22i30.3562.3562..4207...0.0..