Can someone reword this for me? I don't like how I did it but I can't think of anything else. Thanks

Imagery shows the sensual language of what is trying to be addressed.
The synonym of sensory language is "Imagery", it can also be attributed as the descriptive details of an object. This sensory language is a technique that writers and artists use to relate to readers with the use of an image, description, motion or scenario. Use the five sensory organs – eyes, nose, ears, touch and flavor. For example, your white and snowy skin is so bright.    

Imagery, also known as sensory language, is a technique that writers and artists use to relate to readers with the use of an image, description, motion or scenario.
Scroll down and read about Imagery.

That paragraph you posted is filled with redundancy. Explaining imagery doesn't take that many sentences!

Could someone please help me rephrase the following statement? I'm not satisfied with my wording, but I'm struggling to come up with an alternative. Thank you.

The use of imagery conveys the sensual nature of the subject being discussed. Sensory language, which can be considered a synonym for imagery, involves providing descriptive details about an object. This technique is utilized by writers and artists to connect with readers through the use of visual images, descriptions, movements, or scenarios. It incorporates the five senses - sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. For instance, describing someone's skin as white and snowy, invoking a bright sensation.

Could someone please rephrase this for me? I'm not satisfied with my own attempt, but I'm struggling to come up with anything else. Thank you.

The concept of imagery emphasizes the use of descriptive language to convey a specific message. It is synonymous with sensory language, which involves capturing the readers' attention by appealing to their senses through visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and gustatory descriptions. Writers and artists often utilize imagery to create an emotional connection with their audience by portraying vivid images, detailed descriptions, or engaging scenarios. For instance, one might describe someone's skin as exceptionally bright, resembling the whiteness and purity of freshly fallen snow.