What has the absolute value of less than 3?

Any number less than 3 but greater than -3

To find the numbers with an absolute value less than 3, we can look at numbers that are within a distance of 3 units from zero on the number line. The absolute value of a number represents its distance from zero.

In this case, numbers with an absolute value less than 3 are any numbers that are closer to zero than a distance of 3. So, we can list all the numbers that fall within the range (-3, 3). This means all numbers greater than -3 but less than 3, excluding -3 and 3.

Therefore, the numbers with an absolute value less than 3 are:
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2.

I think the question was supposed to be

what is |-3|?
negative 3, rather than less than 3.

there is no such thing as the absolute value of "less than 3."

oh, yeah ... |-3| = 3