1. People (hear, hears) the Cherokee language.

2. Fur trader Abraham Wood (send, sends) two men.
3. The program about the Cherokee (begins, begin) at 7:00.
4. The Cherokee (moves, move) to the west in the 1880s.

What are the answers tho?

Already answered.


To determine the correct verb forms for the given sentences, you need to identify the subject of each sentence and use the corresponding verb form that agrees with it in terms of number (singular or plural). Here's how you can arrive at the correct answers:

1. The subject in the first sentence is "People." To determine the correct verb form, you need to determine if "People" is a singular or plural noun. In this case, "People" is a plural noun, so the correct verb form is "hear." Therefore, the correct sentence is: "People hear the Cherokee language."

2. In the second sentence, the subject is "Abraham Wood." Again, you need to determine if it's a singular or plural noun. "Abraham Wood" is a singular noun, so the correct verb form is "sends." Therefore, the correct sentence is: "Fur trader Abraham Wood sends two men."

3. The subject in the third sentence is "The program about the Cherokee." It might seem a bit confusing, but "program" is the subject, not "Cherokee." Since "program" is a singular noun, the correct verb form is "begins." Therefore, the correct sentence is: "The program about the Cherokee begins at 7:00."

4. In the fourth sentence, the subject is "The Cherokee." Again, determine if it's singular or plural. "The Cherokee" is a plural noun, so the correct verb form is "move." Therefore, the correct sentence is: "The Cherokee move to the west in the 1880s."

By identifying the subject of each sentence and using the appropriate verb form (singular or plural), you can determine the correct answers.