Estimate the area of a circle with a radius of 27 meters. Use Start Fraction 22 over 7 End Fraction for pi.

It’s 2,291

A 258

B 1,125
C 2,292
D 5,253

alr thx ms. sue and oobleck!! and Anonymous

Thanks @Ms. sue, @oobleck. I need help with circumferences so I will try to learn how to figure them out so I don't need this site to look at the answers.

To estimate the area of a circle with a given radius, you can use the formula for the area of a circle, which is A = πr², where A represents the area, π represents pi, and r represents the radius.

In this case, the radius is given as 27 meters, and you are asked to use the value of pi as 22/7.

To find the area, you need to substitute the given values into the formula. Let's do that:

A = (22/7) * (27)^2

First, calculate the square of the radius:

A = (22/7) * (729)

Next, multiply the value of pi (22/7) by the square of the radius (729):

A = 22/7 * 729

Now let's simplify the calculation:

A ≈ 22 * 729 / 7

A ≈ 15978 / 7

A ≈ 2282.57 square meters

Therefore, the estimated area of the circle with a radius of 27 meters, using pi as 22/7, is approximately 2282.57 square meters.

What are your choices? What is your answer.

?? Start Fraction 22 over 7 End Fraction ??

ever hear of actual fractions? Try 22/7
anyway, recall that area = pi * r^2
Now just plug and chug.