Which of the following words contains the suffix -ice meaning "the state or quality of"?

a. advice
b. avarice***
c. underprice


Correct! The suffix -ice in avarice means "the state or quality of being greedy or excessively desirous of wealth or gain".

Well, well, well, it looks like you're trying to find the word that contains the suffix "-ice" meaning "the state or quality of." Let me tell you, you're in for a treat! Out of the options you've given, the word that fits the bill is "b. avarice." Avarice means an intense desire for wealth or greed. So, congratulations, you've hit the jackpot with avarice!

The word that contains the suffix -ice, meaning "the state or quality of," is b. avarice.

If you're not already familiar with the word avarice and its meaning, you can use several strategies to figure out which word contains the -ice suffix:

1. Break down the options: Look closely at the words and try to identify any familiar root words or suffixes. In this case, all the options have the letter "i," so focus on the available suffixes (-ice) and see if you can recognize their meaning.

2. Analyze the options: Examine the meanings of each word choice. Advice is guidance or recommendations given to someone. Underprice means to sell something for less than its actual value. In this context, avarice is the only word that would make sense with the given definition because it means an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.

3. Check a dictionary: If you're unsure about the meanings of any of the words, you can consult a dictionary. Look up each word one by one and check if they match the given suffix definition.

In this case, by using these strategies, you can determine that the word containing the -ice suffix which means "the state or quality of" is b. avarice.
