There is a 3:2 male-to-female ratio at the Science is Cool! lab company. Based on this ratio, which of the following could be the number of male employees and female employees at the company?

54 male employees and 36 female employees

24 male employees and 36 female employees

18 male employees and 9 female employees

13 male employees and 2 female employees

its the 1st one

To determine which of the given options could be the number of male and female employees at the Science is Cool! lab company, we need to check if the ratio of male to female employees matches the 3:2 ratio provided.

Let's calculate the ratios for each option:

1. For 54 male employees and 36 female employees:
- Male-to-female ratio = 54/36 = 3/2
- This ratio matches the given 3:2 ratio, so this option could be correct.

2. For 24 male employees and 36 female employees:
- Male-to-female ratio = 24/36 = 2/3
- This ratio does not match the given 3:2 ratio, so this option is not correct.

3. For 18 male employees and 9 female employees:
- Male-to-female ratio = 18/9 = 2/1
- This ratio does not match the given 3:2 ratio, so this option is not correct.

4. For 13 male employees and 2 female employees:
- Male-to-female ratio = 13/2 = 6.5
- This ratio does not match the given 3:2 ratio, so this option is not correct.

Therefore, the only option that matches the 3:2 male-to-female ratio is 54 male employees and 36 female employees.