The control score of the 47.26 on the pretest put it at the 26th percentile.Does this percentile score represent nomina,ordinal,or interval scale data?

The percentile score represents ordinal scale data. Let me explain why.

To determine the percentile score, you compare a particular score (in this case, 47.26) against the scores of a reference group. The percentile itself is a measure of relative standing, indicating the percentage of scores that fall below a specific value.

In ordinal scale data, the values have a defined order but the differences between the values are not necessarily equal or meaningful. In this case, the 26th percentile indicates that 26% of the scores in the reference group were lower than 47.26, but it doesn't provide any information about the actual interval or magnitude of the differences between the scores.

In summary, since the percentile score only represents the relative ranking of scores and doesn't provide precise information about the intervals or magnitudes, it falls under the category of ordinal scale data.