Georgie feels nauseated anytime she sees the Wendy's sign

They had a bad experience from eating Wendy's food so now everytime they see the sign, they remember their bout of food poisoning and it makes them sick

Also, this is not a question

See later post.

The feeling of nausea when seeing a specific sign, like the Wendy's sign in Georgie's case, could be a result of a psychological phenomenon called conditioned response. This occurs when a person develops a negative or unpleasant association with a particular stimulus through previous experiences.

To address this issue, Georgie could consider implementing some strategies:

1. Gradual Exposure: Georgie can start by gradually exposing herself to the Wendy's sign in a controlled manner. She can start by looking at pictures of the sign, then driving past a Wendy's restaurant without going inside. Over time, she can gradually increase her exposure until she feels less nauseated.

2. Relaxation Techniques: Georgie can practice relaxation techniques before and during her exposure to the Wendy's sign. Deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce anxiety and physical discomfort.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: If the conditioned response is causing significant distress, Georgie may benefit from seeking professional help from a therapist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT can help identify and modify the underlying thought patterns and behaviors associated with the nausea response.

4. Systematic Desensitization: In therapy, Georgie could work with her therapist to develop a systematic desensitization plan. This process involves creating a hierarchy of exposure to gradually decrease her anxiety response, starting from the least anxiety-provoking situation to the most.

It's important to note that these strategies may vary in effectiveness depending on the individual. Professional help is recommended for severe or persistent cases where self-help techniques may not suffice.