Which of the following is a result of cultural blending in the Spanish empire? A. Most people eat only Spanish foods. B. Most people are Catholic. C. Most people speak Native American languages. D. Most people worship African gods.

Someone here will check what YOU THINK if you post it.

@writeacher I Think It’s D

No. Think again. THINK!!

Where was "the Spanish empire"?


To answer this question, we need to understand what cultural blending is and examine the effects of the Spanish empire on its colonies.

Cultural blending refers to the exchange and mixing of different cultural elements among different societies or groups. In the case of the Spanish empire, it had extensive colonies across the Americas, including regions with diverse indigenous populations.

Option A states that most people eat only Spanish foods. To determine if this is a result of cultural blending in the Spanish empire, we would need to investigate if Spanish cuisine completely replaced native food traditions. However, historical evidence suggests that cultural blending led to the integration of both Spanish and indigenous food traditions.

Option B states that most people are Catholic. This is an example of cultural blending resulting from the Spanish empire. The Spanish colonizers brought Catholicism to the Americas and actively converted native populations to this religion. As a result, Catholicism became the dominant religion in many Spanish colonies, including present-day Latin American countries.

Option C states that most people speak Native American languages. This option is unlikely to be a result of cultural blending in the Spanish empire. The Spanish colonizers imposed the Spanish language on the native populations, leading to the significant decline or disappearance of many Native American languages. Some indigenous languages survived, but Spanish became the dominant language due to colonization.

Option D states that most people worship African gods. This option is also unlikely to be a result of cultural blending in the Spanish empire. While the Spanish empire did engage in the transatlantic slave trade and brought Africans to the Americas, they actively suppressed African religions. Instead, they imposed Catholicism on enslaved Africans, leading to the blending of African traditions with Catholicism in some cases.

Based on the information presented, the correct answer is option B – most people are Catholic. To arrive at this answer, we considered the historical effects of the Spanish empire on religion in its colonies.