Julio has $40.00 to rent bikes for himself and a friend for 5 hours. Each bike rental costs $3.25 per hour.

2 * 5 hours * 3.25 = 32.50

7.50 left over for pizza and Dr Pepper


To find out how many hours Julio and his friend can rent bikes for, given that each bike rental costs $3.25 per hour, we need to divide the total amount of money they have by the cost per hour.

Step 1: Calculate the cost to rent a bike for 1 hour:
Each bike rental costs $3.25 per hour.

Step 2: Divide the total amount of money Julio has by the cost to rent a bike for 1 hour:
$40.00 / $3.25 per hour = 12.3076923077 hours

Step 3: Since they cannot rent a fraction of a bike for a fraction of an hour, we round down to the nearest whole number of hours they can afford to rent bikes:
Thus, they can afford to rent bikes for 12 hours.

So, Julio and his friend can rent bikes for 12 hours using the $40.00 they have.


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