How did the establishment of the Church of England change government?

The Church of England did not collect taxes like the Roman Catholic Church.
The English monarchy could conduct its own coronations.
The head of state and the head of the church were the same person.
The Church of England ruled over court cases, unlike the Catholic Church of England.

The correct answer is C.

C-The head of state and the head of the church were the same person.

Anonymous 2, Kamillah, Lanasya,Junior Boi

you guys know she's dead right? if you're gonna hate, leave.

Lanasya I hope you do know that she is not a real teacher

I think it is A.

is it D?

The establishment of the Church of England had a significant impact on the government in various ways:

1. Tax Collection: Unlike the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England did not have the authority to collect taxes. This meant that the government retained control over the collection and management of financial resources.

2. Coronation: The English monarchy gained the authority to conduct its own coronations. Previously, coronations were often performed by powerful figures within the Catholic Church. With the establishment of the Church of England, the monarchy could assert its independence and perform this significant ceremony without external religious influence.

3. Religious and Political Authority: The head of state and the head of the Church of England became the same person. This consolidation of power resulted in a strong link between the religious and political authority in England. The monarch became the supreme governor or governoress of the Church, giving them significant influence over both religious and political matters.

4. Legal Jurisdiction: In contrast to the Catholic Church, which had its own separate legal courts, the Church of England did not have the power to rule over court cases. The establishment of the Church of England meant that the legal jurisdiction of the country was centralized under the government, further consolidating its power.

These changes ultimately shifted the balance of power in England, reducing the influence of the Catholic Church and reinforcing the authority of the monarchy and the government.

I disagree. What does your reading assignment say?

Okay! That's Just Rude. . .Wow this is just a Teacher doing her Job, Sorry if you just want to move forward & finish your work but, We Gotta Learn From Our Answers.

O^O So Just Wow!

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