Please only give the right answer, 7th grade. I'm so confused please help!

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The two figures shown above are congruent. Identify the corresponding sides and angles.
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I understand that you are looking for the corresponding sides and angles in congruent figures. However, since I cannot see the figures you are referring to, I cannot provide you with specific corresponding sides and angles.

To identify corresponding sides and angles in congruent figures, you need to compare the corresponding parts of each figure. Corresponding sides are sides that occupy the same relative position in two congruent figures. Corresponding angles are angles that occupy the same relative position in two congruent figures.

You can try labeling the sides and angles of each figure using letters or symbols, and then compare the labels to identify the corresponding parts. The corresponding sides and angles should have the same labels in both figures.

If you are able to provide a more specific description or any additional information about the figures, I can try to assist you further.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to see or analyze images or diagrams. However, I can guide you on how to identify corresponding sides and angles in congruent figures.

To identify corresponding sides in congruent figures, look for sides that have the same length in both figures. Corresponding sides are always located in the same relative positions in congruent figures.

To identify corresponding angles in congruent figures, look for angles that have the same measure in both figures. Corresponding angles are always located in the same relative positions in congruent figures.

If you provide me with a description of the figures or specific angles or sides you would like to identify, I can assist you further.

Can't help you. Lack of data (figures).