How do you write out 5 by 13 product of 13 and z?

The language is ambiguous. I can't see where to put the parentheses

"5 by 13" means 5/13
"product of 13 and z" means 13*z or 13z

Just not sure what do do with
(5 by 13) (product of 13 and z)
is that another product, a sum, fraction?

so maybe (5/13)(13z) = 5z ?

To write the product of 13 and z, you can use the multiplication symbol (*) or simply write the two numbers next to each other with no operator. Here are two ways to write the product of 13 and z:

1. Using the multiplication symbol: 13 * z
2. Writing the numbers without an operator: 13z

In this case, you are requested to write out 5 times the product of 13 and z. To do this, you can multiply 5 by the expression 13z. Here's how you can write it:

5 * (13z)

Alternatively, you can also write it without the multiplication symbol, like this:
