Gardner and Winner (1976) identified three developmental stages in understanding art. Which of the following statements is not characteristic of adolescents?

a.They have a more sophisticated understanding of art.

b.One's opinions and values vary.

c.Judgments in art are relative.

d.There are criteria for judging works of art.

You will need to depend on your text for this one.

To determine which statement is not characteristic of adolescents according to Gardner and Winner (1976), we need to analyze each option and consider their developmental stages in understanding art.

a. "They have a more sophisticated understanding of art."
Adolescents can indeed have a more sophisticated understanding of art compared to younger children. This statement aligns with the developmental stages identified by Gardner and Winner.

b. "One's opinions and values vary."
During adolescence, individuals begin to develop their own opinions and values, which can vary greatly from person to person. This statement reflects the individuality and diversity of opinions typically seen during this stage.

c. "Judgments in art are relative."
According to Gardner and Winner, judgments in art are relative because different individuals may have different perspectives and interpretations of a work of art. This statement aligns with their findings.

d. "There are criteria for judging works of art."
This statement contradicts Gardner and Winner's findings. They argue that art is subjective and that judgments in art are relative, meaning that there are no fixed criteria for judging works of art.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. "There are criteria for judging works of art."