Kendra has a painting canvas that is 20 inches wide by 39 inches high. She painted a red rose, which covered 60% of the canvas.

What was the area of the canvas which was covered by the red rose?

(20 * 39) * 0.6 = _______ square inches

To find the area of the canvas covered by the red rose, we need to calculate the area of the canvas and then multiply it by the percentage covered by the rose.

First, we find the area of the canvas by multiplying the width by the height:
Area of the canvas = Width × Height
Area of the canvas = 20 inches × 39 inches
Area of the canvas = 780 square inches

Next, we calculate the area covered by the red rose by multiplying the area of the canvas by the percentage it covers:
Area covered by the red rose = Area of the canvas × Percentage
Area covered by the red rose = 780 square inches × 60% (or 0.6)
Area covered by the red rose = 468 square inches

Therefore, the area of the canvas covered by the red rose is 468 square inches.