1. Which of the following is a requirement of all service sectors occupatants?


the anser B is correct, try listing all the questions to your test next time.

B IS wrong it’s not transportation.

I think its "A" because service sector occupations means something about work and expertise means something about skill or knowledge...

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and see which one aligns with the requirements of all service sector occupations:

1. Expertise: expertise is certainly a valuable quality for service sector occupations, as it allows workers to provide high-quality and knowledgeable assistance to customers or clients. However, not all service sectors occupations necessarily require expertise as a requirement.

2. Transportation: while transportation may be important in some service sector occupations that involve travel or delivery, it is not a requirement for all service sector occupations.

3. Haste: while providing prompt and efficient service is important in many service sector occupations, haste alone is not a universal requirement. Different service sector occupations have their own pace and standards.

4. Enthusiasm: while enthusiasm can contribute positively to customer service experiences, not all service sector occupations explicitly require it as a prerequisite.

Based on the above analysis, the answer that aligns with the requirements of all service sector occupations is **Expertise**. Although expertise alone may not guarantee success in every service sector occupation, it is a common requirement to have a certain level of knowledge and understanding in the field of work to provide effective assistance or service.

Not for all, necessarily.

Are you clear on what each of those choices means? If not, look them up: