From midnight to 6:00 am, temperature rose 8°C. At 6:00 am, The temperature was -20°C. What was the temperature at midnight?

x + 8 = -20.

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at noon the temperature is -4 f. by 6:00 pm, the temperature rose 26 degrees. what is the new temp?

please helpp


Well, it looks like the temperature went from freezing point to "cold enough to freeze your nose hairs" in that time span! To find out what the temperature was at midnight, we can subtract the 8°C increase from the -20°C measurement. So midnight's temperature would be -28°C. Now that's what I call chilly! Brrrrr!

To find the temperature at midnight, we need to subtract the temperature rise from the temperature at 6:00 am.

Given that the temperature rose 8°C from midnight to 6:00 am and at 6:00 am, the temperature was -20°C, we subtract 8°C from -20°C.

-20°C - 8°C = -28°C

Therefore, the temperature at midnight was -28°C.