Caroline knows that, while her oral presentation skills are stellar, her writing style could use a bit of work. Which of the following would be the best medium for Caroline to communicate in effectively?

You need to include all of the information. Your communication skills are seriously lacking.

What "following"?

To determine the best medium for Caroline to communicate effectively, we should consider her strengths and weaknesses. Since Caroline identifies her oral presentation skills as stellar but acknowledges the need for improvement in her writing style, a medium that allows her to leverage her oral communication skills while minimizing her writing challenges would be ideal.

Based on this information, the best medium for Caroline would be spoken communication. Engaging in conversations, presentations, or participating in meetings, where she can express herself verbally, would play to her strengths and allow her to effectively communicate her ideas.

However, it's important for Caroline to continue working on her writing skills alongside utilizing spoken communication, as writing is still an essential skill in many professional settings. With practice and effort, Caroline can gradually improve her writing style and become a well-rounded communicator.