Use the formula S equals 2 left-parenthesis l w right-parenthesis plus 2 left-parenthesis l h right-parenthesis plus 2 left-parenthesis w h right-parenthesisto find the surface area of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions:

length = 2 cm
width = 3 cm
height = 4 cm
A. S equals 21 square centimeters
B. S equals 48 square centimeters
C. S equals 52 square centimeters
D. S equals 96 square centimeters

whats the answerrrrr???? plsss tell meeeee!!!!! i need the answer i have this do soon!!!! pls pls pls


Reiny why-

Your unhelpful-
Please help and not just tell us "tHiS iS tHe fOrMuLa fOr ThE sUrFaCe aReA oF a rEcTaNgUlAr pRiSm yOu aRe gIvEn tEh nUmBeR, sO jUsT dO iT"
I'll be back when I have teh answer. 😊
Praying for Jimin βœŠπŸ˜”

I'm back the answer is C! I hope this helped y'all! :D

Why not just type:

S = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

this is the formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism
You are given the number, so just do it.

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism using the formula S = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh, we need to plug in the given dimensions and solve the equation.

length = 2 cm,
width = 3 cm,
height = 4 cm

Substitute the values into the formula:
S = 2(2)(3) + 2(2)(4) + 2(3)(4)

Now, multiply the values within parentheses:
S = 2(6) + 2(8) + 2(12)

Now, multiply:
S = 12 + 16 + 24

Finally, add the values together:
S = 52

So, the surface area of the rectangular prism is 52 square centimeters.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C. S equals 52 square centimeters.