Who were the Moors, and how did they affect Spain during their rule?

No they weren't they were Muslims from Spain your sounding real stupid as always.

thanks i guess

e.e I never thought I would say this, but Ms. Sue is right. They were a North African population.

Who were the Moors, and how did they affect Spain during their rule?

The Moors were Muslim inhabitants of North Africa who invaded and conquered the Iberian Peninsula in the 8th century. During their rule, which lasted for over seven centuries, the Moors had a significant impact on Spain. They introduced new agricultural techniques and crops to the region, and built notable architectural structures such as the Alhambra palace in Granada. The Moors also improved the economy and cultural life of Spain by encouraging trade, science, and art, and by making significant contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. However, their rule was not without conflict, and they faced opposition from Christian kingdoms in the north of Spain. The eventual Reconquista saw the expulsion of the Moors and the restoration of Christian rule in Spain.

The Moors were a medieval Muslim civilization that ruled over parts of Spain from the 8th to the 15th century. They were primarily composed of Berber and Arab peoples from North Africa, who, under the leadership of the Umayyad Caliphate, conquered the Iberian Peninsula in 711.

To understand the impact of the Moors on Spain, it is important to acknowledge that their rule was marked by a complex interaction of cultural, social, and political developments. Here's how you can explore this topic further:

1. Historical Accounts: Consult reliable historical sources like books or academic journals to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the Moors' influence on Spain. Look for works by reputable historians specializing in medieval Islamic and Iberian history.

2. Architecture: One of the most noticeable contributions of the Moors to Spain was their distinctive architectural style. Visit famous sites such as the Alhambra in Granada or the Great Mosque of Cordoba to witness the Moorish influence firsthand. Online resources or travel guides can provide detailed information about these architectural marvels.

3. Science and Philosophy: During their rule, the Moors made significant advancements in various fields, particularly in science, medicine, and philosophy. Explore works by Moorish scholars like Ibn Rushd (Averroes) or Ibn Sina (Avicenna) to uncover their contributions to these disciplines.

4. Language and Literature: The Moors also had a profound impact on the Spanish language. Arabic words and expressions were adopted into the Spanish lexicon, which can still be observed today. Investigate the linguistic influence of Arabic on Spanish by analyzing resources on Spanish etymology or Arabic loanwords.

5. Coexistence and Conflict: The Moors' rule in Spain was not without tension and conflict. Research the dynamics between the Moors and other ethno-religious groups, such as Christians and Jews, to understand how their interactions shaped society during this period.

Remember, history is a subject of ongoing research, and interpretations may vary. It's always beneficial to consult multiple sources and engage with different perspectives to gain a well-rounded understanding of the Moors' impact on Spain.

The Moors were Muslims from North Africa.
