A mother is 20 years older than her daughter if the daughter is y years old how old is the mother in terms of y how old was the daughter four years ago in terms of y how old was the mother four years ago four years ago the ratio of their was 7:3 find the present age of the daughter

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To find the answers to these questions, let's break them down one by one:

Question 1: How old is the mother in terms of y?

We are given that the mother is 20 years older than her daughter. So, if the daughter is y years old, the mother's age would be y + 20. Therefore, the mother's age in terms of y is y + 20.

Question 2: How old was the daughter four years ago in terms of y?

To find the daughter's age four years ago, we subtract 4 from her current age. Therefore, the daughter's age four years ago would be y - 4.

Question 3: How old was the mother four years ago in terms of y?

Since the mother is 20 years older than the daughter, her age four years ago would also be 20 years more than the daughter's age four years ago. Therefore, the mother's age four years ago would be (y - 4) + 20 or y + 16.

Question 4: Given that four years ago the ratio of their ages was 7:3, find the present age of the daughter.

From the information given, we know that the ratio of their ages four years ago was 7:3. So, we can set up the equation (y - 4)/(y + 16) = 7/3.

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:
3(y - 4) = 7(y + 16)
3y - 12 = 7y + 112
Subtracting 3y from both sides, we get:
-12 = 4y + 112
Subtracting 112 from both sides, we get:
-124 = 4y
Dividing both sides by 4, we get:
y = -31

However, age cannot be negative, so this means there must be an error in the information provided or in the calculations. Please double-check the given information.

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