A flower store has 24 roses and 36 carnations. It puts the same number of flowers in each of 6 bouquets.

How many flowers are in each bouquet?

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To find out how many flowers are in each bouquet, we need to divide the total number of flowers by the number of bouquets.

In this case, the flower store has a total of 24 + 36 = 60 flowers. And there are 6 bouquets.

So, to find out how many flowers are in each bouquet, we divide 60 by 6:

60 รท 6 = 10

Therefore, there are 10 flowers in each bouquet.

Divide 24 and 36 by 6.

A flower store has 24 roses and 36 carnations. It puts the same number of flowers in each of 6 bouquets.

How many flowers are in each bouquet?
