Which of these values was central to the Transcendentalist writers? (5 points)

Charity for the poor

Patriotism for the United States

Connection with urban life

Connection with nature


To determine which value was central to the Transcendentalist writers, we can analyze the philosophies and beliefs of this literary movement. Transcendentalism emerged in the 19th century as a reaction against societal and cultural norms, emphasizing individualism, self-reliance, intuition, and the belief in the inherent goodness of both humanity and nature. Let's evaluate each of the given values and their alignment with Transcendentalist principles:

1. Charity for the poor: While Transcendentalists advocated for the goodness of humanity and emphasized the individual's responsibility for their own actions, they generally focused more on self-development and personal growth rather than collective responsibility towards the poor. Therefore, this value may not have been as central to Transcendentalist writers.

2. Patriotism for the United States: Transcendentalists, while critical of societal structures, retained a sense of national pride and believed in the ideals upon which the United States was founded, such as individual freedom and democracy. However, patriotism was not the central tenet of Transcendentalism, as the movement focused more on spiritual and philosophical exploration.

3. Connection with urban life: Transcendentalist writers were critical of urbanization and the negative effects it had on individuals and society as a whole. They often romanticized rural life and sought connection with nature, which suggests that a connection with urban life was not a central value for Transcendentalists.

4. Connection with nature: This value is strongly aligned with the beliefs of Transcendentalist writers. They saw nature as a source of inspiration, spiritual renewal, and a reflection of the divine. Transcendentalists emphasized the importance of connecting with nature as a means of achieving self-understanding, discovering truths, and finding spiritual enlightenment.

Based on this analysis, the value that was most central to Transcendentalist writers is a connection with nature.