Help me to write prepared speech about Traditional African Marriage Is An Advantage For Men Not Women

Traditional African marriage is an advantage for men. Not women. This mostly depends on the customs of the people who are getting married. Often, women in a traditional get treated like property, which can lead to them getting beaten up or much much worse. Women often become just machines for making babies, which can lead to numerous complications. The list of problems can go on and on.

I didn't write this. It was written by WorldlyGlass49 on Brainly.

I need a full prepared speech

I need a prepared speech about traditional marriage is an advantage for men only not weman

Please help it's school work

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Btw -- I know nothing about traditional African marriage.

You won't find a full prepared speech here.

Certainly! Writing a prepared speech involves several important steps: understanding the topic, collecting relevant information, structuring your speech, and adding supporting arguments. Here's how you can approach writing a speech on the topic of traditional African marriage being an advantage for men rather than women:

1. Introduction:
- Start with an attention-grabbing opening, such as a captivating fact or personal anecdote.
- Clearly state your thesis statement, which in this case is "Traditional African marriage is more advantageous for men than for women."

2. Background information:
- Provide a brief explanation of what traditional African marriage entails.
- Discuss the cultural context and its impact on gender roles within these marriages.

3. Advantages for Men:
- List and explain the advantages that men typically enjoy in traditional African marriages, such as:
a. Economic advantages: Discuss the traditional gender roles that often place men as primary breadwinners, which can provide financial stability for them.
b. Power dynamics: Explain how the traditional structure of these marriages often grants men decision-making authority and control over family matters.
c. Social influence: Discuss the societal expectations that often prioritize men's opinions and beliefs.

4. Disadvantages for Women:
- Acknowledge the disadvantages that women face in traditional African marriages, including:
a. Limited opportunities: Discuss how cultural expectations and gender roles can restrict women's access to education, employment, and personal development.
b. Unequal division of household labor: Highlight the traditional expectation that women are primarily responsible for domestic chores and child-rearing, which can limit their personal growth and independence.
c. Lack of agency: Explain how traditional marriage norms may undermine women's ability to voice their opinions, make decisions, or pursue their own goals.

5. Address counterarguments:
- Present potential counterarguments that may challenge your thesis.
- Refute these counterarguments with logical reasoning and evidence.

6. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points and arguments made throughout your speech.
- Reiterate your thesis statement and provide a final thought or call to action.

Remember to conduct thorough research to support your arguments and provide credible sources whenever possible. It's also important to approach this topic with sensitivity and avoid generalizations, as marriage dynamics can vary significantly across different African cultures.