1/2 x -8 =20, x=

A. 14
B. 6
C. 24
D. 56

Add 8 to both sides, then divide by 2.


Add 8 to both sides, then multiply by 2.

To solve the equation 1/2x - 8 = 20 for the value of x, you need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Start by adding 8 to both sides of the equation:
1/2x - 8 + 8 = 20 + 8
1/2x = 28

Step 2: To get rid of the fraction 1/2, multiply both sides of the equation by 2:
2 * (1/2x) = 2 * 28
x = 56

Therefore, the value of x is 56. The correct answer is option D.