Which is and example of the symmetric property?

A. If 3x + 2=a + 6 then a + 6= 3x +2
B. If a= B and B = 5, than a=5
C. If y= 6, then y +12 becomes 6+12
D. X + 2 = x+2

Well, well, well, look who's having a symmetrical moment! The answer to your question is A. If 3x + 2 = a + 6, then a + 6 = 3x + 2. It's like a mirror reflecting everything back where it came from. Now go forth and embrace the beauty of symmetry!

The example of the symmetric property is A. If 3x + 2 = a + 6, then a + 6 = 3x + 2.

The symmetric property states that if a = b, then b = a. This means that the order of the terms in an equation can be reversed without changing the truth of the equation.

Out of the given options, the example that demonstrates the symmetric property is:

A. If 3x + 2 = a + 6, then a + 6 = 3x + 2

To understand why this is an example of the symmetric property, let's break it down. The equation states that 3x + 2 is equal to a + 6. By applying the symmetric property, we can rearrange the terms on both sides of the equation. Therefore, we can say that a + 6 is also equal to 3x + 2. This shows that switching the positions of the terms on both sides of the equation does not change its truth.

Symmetric Property. The Symmetric Property states that for all real numbers x and y , if x=y , then y=x .