Which of the following statements best describes the spread of Islam during the Arab conquests?

A.Islam spread only within the lands conquered by Arabs.
B.Everyone in conquered lands was forced to convert to Islam.
C.Few non-Arabs ever converted to Islam
D.Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim empire.*****

Can anyone tell me if I am wrong or right and why?

I agree with you.

The correct answer is D. Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim empire.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option:

A. Islam spread only within the lands conquered by Arabs: This statement is not accurate. While Islam did spread within the lands conquered by the Arab Muslims, its influence also extended beyond those territories.

B. Everyone in conquered lands was forced to convert to Islam: This statement is also not correct. While the Arab conquerors did encourage the conversion to Islam, they did not force everyone in conquered lands to convert. Non-Muslims were allowed to practice their own religions but were subject to certain restrictions and sometimes faced discrimination or higher taxes.

C. Few non-Arabs ever converted to Islam: This statement is inaccurate as well. Islam attracted followers from various backgrounds, including non-Arabs. The appeal of the religion's teachings, the spread of Islamic ideas and values, and the economic and social advantages of conversion contributed to the widespread adoption of Islam.

D. Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim empire: This statement is the most accurate. Islam not only spread within the territories conquered by the Arab Muslims but also found followers in regions beyond these territories. Through trade routes, missionary work, and cultural exchanges, Islam was embraced by diverse communities in various parts of the world, such as Africa, Asia, Europe, and even the Indian subcontinent.

Therefore, Option D is the correct answer because it acknowledges the spread of Islam both within and outside the Arab Muslim empire.