Why Did European explorers claim land in North America?


You will find that European explorers claimed land all up and down the New World, in North, Central, and South America. If you are focusing on North America alone, then you'll need to focus pretty much on the explorers from northern Europe.

European explorers claimed land in North America for several reasons. One of the main motivations was the desire for wealth and resources. Many European nations, such as Spain, Portugal, France, and England, sought to expand their empires and increase their access to valuable commodities like gold, silver, and other natural resources.

Another reason for claiming land was the pursuit of trade routes. European explorers believed that by finding new routes to Asia, they could establish lucrative trade relationships and bypass the established trading monopolies of the Ottoman Empire and other intermediaries.

Religion also played a significant role. Many European explorers, particularly those from Spain and Portugal, were driven by the desire to spread Christianity to indigenous populations. They believed it was their duty to convert native peoples to their faith and save their souls.

To get the answer to this question, one can refer to historical records, journals, and accounts of European explorers. Many explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, Hernán Cortés, and Jacques Cartier, documented their voyages and motivations for claiming land in North America. These primary sources provide insights into the explorers' thoughts, beliefs, and objectives. Additionally, historical books and scholarly writings on European colonization and exploration can provide a broader understanding of the topic.