Gary has 3y comics. Shaun has 8 comics. They share their comics equally. How many comics does each of them have?

Your question does not make sense. You already indicate that Shaun has 8. More data needed.

To find out how many comics each of them has, you need to first add up the total number of comics they have.

Gary has 3y comics.
Shaun has 8 comics.

To find the total number of comics, you add the number of comics each person has together: 3y + 8.

Since they share their comics equally, you need to divide the total number of comics by the number of people. In this case, there are two people.

The equation for finding the number of comics each person has is:

(3y + 8) / 2 = number of comics each person has

Without knowing the value of y, it is impossible to determine the exact number of comics each person has. If you provide a value for y, I can help you find the answer.