A man spend 3/4 of his salary on food,rent and transport and 1/10 of the remainder on clothes.what percentage of his salary is left?

100 - (0.75 + 0.1) = _______ = ______%

To find the percentage of salary that is left, we will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount spent on food, rent, and transport
Given that the man spent 3/4 of his salary on food, rent, and transport, we can subtract this amount from his total salary.
Let's assume the man's salary is $100.
Amount spent on food, rent, and transport = (3/4) * $100 = $75

Step 2: Calculate the remainder after spending on food, rent, and transport
To find the remainder after spending the calculated amount on food, rent, and transport, we will subtract it from the total salary.
Remainder after spending on food, rent, and transport = $100 - $75 = $25

Step 3: Calculate the amount spent on clothes
Given that 1/10 of the remainder was spent on clothes, we can calculate this amount by multiplying the remainder by 1/10.
Amount spent on clothes = (1/10) * $25 = $2.50

Step 4: Calculate the percentage of salary that is left
To find the percentage of salary that is left, divide the remainder after spending on clothes by the total salary and multiply by 100.
Percentage of salary that is left = ($25 - $2.50) / $100 * 100 = 22.5%

Therefore, the man has 22.5% of his salary left.

To find the percentage of the man's salary that is left, we need to calculate the amount of money he has spent and then subtract it from his total salary.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Start with the fraction of his salary he spent on food, rent, and transport, which is 3/4.
2. Subtract this fraction from 1 to find the fraction he has remaining: 1 - 3/4 = 1/4.
3. This 1/4 represents the remainder after his expenses.
4. Now, we need to find what fraction of the remainder he spent on clothes, which is 1/10.
5. Multiply the remainder fraction (1/4) by the fraction spent on clothes (1/10): (1/4) * (1/10) = 1/40.
6. This 1/40 represents the fraction of his salary that was spent on clothes.
7. Subtract the clothes fraction (1/40) from the remainder fraction (1/4): 1/4 - 1/40 = 9/40.

Now, we have the fraction of his salary that is left, which is 9/40. To find the percentage, we multiply this fraction by 100:

(9/40) * 100 = 22.5.

Therefore, the man has 22.5% of his salary remaining.