9. What strategy did both Toyotomi Hideyoshi and, later, Tokugawa Ieyasu use to create peace in Japan?

They both banished the daimyo from Japan.

They both asked the daimyo to get rid of their samurai.

They both forced the daimyo to pledge loyalty to them.

They both commanded the daimyo to leave their families.

10.Read the table.

Sect of Buddhism Mahayana Shingon Zen
Important Practice or Teaching the belief that all living beings have the potential to be enlightened ? the practice of emptying the mind of thoughts in order to aid in spiritual growth

What important practice or teaching best completes the table?

the belief in a merciful being who has achieved enlightenment but chooses to remain on Earth to help others

the practice of individual efforts focused on self-control and discipline

the idea that no one is too lowly to be saved

the recitation of true words, or mantras, to advance one's spiritual growth

11. What impact did the building of canals have in China during the Song and Tang dynasties?

The canals were eventually used for military routes.

The canals improved irrigation systems in the rice fields.

The canals made it easier for neighboring nations to attack China.

The canals connected waterways which increased trade.

Writeacher this is supposed to be a homework help website. If you refuse to help us at all then what's the point? Obviously they need HELP not a teacher going off at them for apparently trying to have people do studying and reading for them. So if you're not gonna help just don't comment.

But we all need the same answers for ours so please others just give an answer

banished the daimyo from japan

15 is A

Can we just have the answers please

Sorry guys I'm days late

9. To determine the strategy used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu to create peace in Japan, we need to analyze the provided options.

A. Banishing the daimyo from Japan does not fit the strategy used by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, as they actually worked with the daimyo to consolidate power.

B. Asking the daimyo to get rid of their samurai also does not align with their strategy, as the samurai were an important part of the military and power structure in Japan.

C. Forcing the daimyo to pledge loyalty to them fits with the strategy employed by both Hideyoshi and Ieyasu. They sought to centralize power and establish a strong feudal system, which included the loyalty of the daimyo.

D. Commanding the daimyo to leave their families does not match their strategy, as there is no evidence of such a measure being taken.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. They both forced the daimyo to pledge loyalty to them.

10. Examining the table, we need to find the missing important practice or teaching in the Shingon sect of Buddhism.

A. The belief in a merciful being who has achieved enlightenment but chooses to remain on Earth to help others does not provide a clear match for the Shingon sect.

B. The practice of individual efforts focused on self-control and discipline is a characteristic commonly associated with Zen Buddhism, not Shingon.

C. The idea that no one is too lowly to be saved is a belief found in Mahayana Buddhism and is not specific to Shingon.

D. The recitation of true words, or mantras, to advance one's spiritual growth aligns with the Shingon sect, which emphasizes the use of mantras and rituals for enlightenment.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. The recitation of true words, or mantras, to advance one's spiritual growth.

11. To determine the impact of the building of canals in China during the Song and Tang dynasties, we need to analyze the provided options.

A. The canals being eventually used for military routes is not a significant impact of canal construction during these dynasties.

B. The canals improving irrigation systems in the rice fields is a major impact of canal building in China during this time. It facilitated agricultural development and increased food production.

C. The canals making it easier for neighboring nations to attack China is not supported by historical evidence.

D. The canals connecting waterways and increasing trade is another important impact of canal construction during the Song and Tang dynasties. The canal system facilitated transportation and trade networks, fostering economic growth.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. The canals connected waterways, which increased trade.

For, What strategy did both Toyotomi Hideyoshi and, later, Tokugawa Ieyasu use to create peace in Japan? THE ANSWER IS- D

The answer is banished the daimo from Japan

No one here will do your reading and studying for you.

However, if you post what YOU THINK, someone familiar with Japanese and Chinese history may be able to check YOUR work.