Can someone check this question to see if I got it right please?

How has the United Kingdom reduced air pollution? Select all that apply.

A. it has developed new technologies to reduce pollution.
B. it has eliminated all use of fossil fuels.
C. it has eliminated all vehicle emissions.
D. it has invested in clean power sources such and solar and wind energy.
E. it has banned factories and automobiles in London.

If you post your answer choices, someone may be able to check.

oh right I forgot lol, A and D

I agree. The other 3 don't make good sense!

ok thanks!

To check if you got the question right, we need to analyze each option.

A. "It has developed new technologies to reduce pollution." This statement is true. The United Kingdom has invested in researching and developing new technologies to reduce air pollution, such as advanced filters for power plants and emission control systems for vehicles.

B. "It has eliminated all use of fossil fuels." This statement is false. While the United Kingdom has made significant efforts to shift towards cleaner energy sources, it has not completely eliminated the use of fossil fuels. However, they have taken steps to reduce their reliance on them.

C. "It has eliminated all vehicle emissions." This statement is false. The United Kingdom has implemented various policies to reduce vehicle emissions, such as promoting the use of electric vehicles and improving public transportation systems. However, they have not completely eliminated vehicle emissions.

D. "It has invested in clean power sources such as solar and wind energy." This statement is true. The United Kingdom has made significant investments in renewable energy sources, including solar and wind energy. These clean power sources contribute to reducing air pollution caused by traditional energy generation methods.

E. "It has banned factories and automobiles in London." This statement is false. While the United Kingdom has implemented congestion charges and low-emission zones in cities like London to discourage the use of automobiles and reduce pollution, they have not completely banned factories and automobiles.

Based on the analysis, options A and D are correct, while options B, C, and E are incorrect.