The measure of angle abc is 85. The measure of angle abd is 45. The measure of angle dbc is x. Find the value of x.

<ABD + <DBC = <ABC.

45 + <DBC = 85,
<DBC = 40o = X.
Note: I'm not sure of the location of the given angles.
I hope my answer is correct.

Insufficient information

Where are these angles?

To find the value of angle DBC (x), we can use the fact that the sum of angles around a point is 360 degrees.

Since we know the measures of angle ABC and angle ABD, we can find the measure of angle DBC by subtracting the sum of those two angles from 360 degrees.

Step 1: Find the sum of angles ABC and ABD:
Angle ABC = 85 degrees
Angle ABD = 45 degrees
Sum of angles ABC and ABD = 85 + 45 = 130 degrees

Step 2: Find the measure of angle DBC (x):
Sum of angles around a point = 360 degrees
Measure of angle DBC (x) = 360 - Sum of angles ABC and ABD
= 360 - 130
= 230 degrees

Therefore, the value of x is 230 degrees.

To find the value of angle DBC (x), we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

We know that angle ABC is 85 degrees and angle ABD is 45 degrees. So, if we add these two angles, we get:

85 degrees + 45 degrees = 130 degrees

Now, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees to find the measure of angle DBC (x). The sum of angles ABC, ABD, and DBC is equal to 180 degrees. Therefore,

85 degrees + 45 degrees + x degrees = 180 degrees

Combining like terms, we can simplify this equation to:

130 degrees + x degrees = 180 degrees

To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 130 degrees from both sides of the equation:

x degrees = 180 degrees - 130 degrees

x degrees = 50 degrees

Therefore, the value of x is 50 degrees.