If 10 students consume 1185kg of meat in 21 days, find how much 16 students will consume in 14 days, if consumption takes the same rate.?

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To find out how much 16 students will consume in 14 days, we can use the concept of ratios and proportions.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by finding the consumption rate per student per day:
Consumption rate = Total meat consumed / (Number of students * Number of days)
Consumption rate = 1185 kg / (10 students * 21 days)
Consumption rate = 5.642 kg/student/day (approximately)

2. Use the consumption rate found in step 1 to determine the total meat consumption for 16 students in 1 day:
Total consumption for 1 day = Consumption rate * Number of students
Total consumption for 1 day = 5.642 kg/student/day * 16 students
Total consumption for 1 day = 90.272 kg/day (approximately)

3. Finally, calculate the total meat consumption for 16 students in 14 days:
Total consumption for 14 days = Total consumption for 1 day * Number of days
Total consumption for 14 days = 90.272 kg/day * 14 days
Total consumption for 14 days = 1263.808 kg

Therefore, 16 students will consume approximately 1263.808 kg of meat in 14 days if the consumption rate remains the same.