On a number line, show all values of x that…

have the absolute value greater than 2
have the absolute value less than 2

I assume you know about the number line.

To the right means greater values
To the left means lesser values.

If this still isn't clear, look in your text, or remember that'
google is your friend.

Assuming that x is not in some type of equation...

3, etc.

To represent values of x on a number line that have an absolute value greater than 2, we need to identify all the values that are located farther away from 0 than the distance of 2 units. To do this, we can draw two vertical lines, one at +2 and the other at -2, on the number line. Any values of x that are outside these two lines will have an absolute value greater than 2.

On the number line, it will look like this:
-∞ -2 0 2 +∞
^ Values of x with |x| > 2

To represent values of x on a number line that have an absolute value less than 2, we need to identify all the values that are located within a distance of 2 units from 0. This means all the values that lie between the -2 and +2 marks on the number line.

On the number line, it will look like this:
-∞ -2 0 2 +∞
Values of x with |x| < 2

These diagrams depict the ranges of values for x that satisfy each condition.