14. At what age can a child begin to take another's perspective?

A. 10

B. 8

C. 6

D. 4

my answer is B.

Thanks for help!!

What does your text say?

I'd say anywhere between 8 and 11, depending on the child.

my text says that a child has another perspective between 8-10 ,but between10-12 has another perspective in more sophisticated way.

I believe that the best answer will be 10.

I agree. I'm glad you found that passage in your text.

You're welcome!

The ability to take another person's perspective is known as theory of mind, which is the understanding that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions that may be different from one's own. Theory of mind development typically occurs during early childhood.

To determine the correct age at which a child can begin to take another's perspective, we can look at the options provided and consider the typical developmental milestones associated with theory of mind:

A. 10: At this age, most children should already have a well-developed theory of mind and be able to understand and consider others' perspectives. However, this is typically later than when children first start to demonstrate theory of mind abilities.

B. 8: This is a plausible answer. By the age of 8, many children have already developed considerable theory of mind skills and can understand others' perspectives, although the level of understanding may still vary among individuals.

C. 6: This is another plausible answer. Between the ages of 4 and 6, most children begin to grasp that others can have different thoughts and beliefs from their own. However, their understanding may still be limited compared to older children.

D. 4: While some basic understanding of others' perspectives begins to emerge around the age of 4, it is generally too early to expect a fully developed theory of mind in children at this age.

Considering the options, both B and C are reasonable choices for the age at which a child can begin to take another's perspective. However, based on typical development, B (8 years old) is more likely to be the correct answer.