a group of childrens went for a picnic. 3/7 of them were boys. there were 18 boys. how many children were there? how many girs were there?

number of children ---- x

(3/7)x = 18
3x = 126
x = 42

total --- 42
boys --- 18
girls --- 42-18 = 24

To find the total number of children, we can use the information given.

Given that 3/7 of the children were boys, we know that 3/7 represents the number of boys.

Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

3/7 * Total Number of Children = Number of Boys

Substituting in the given value of 18 boys, we have:

3/7 * Total Number of Children = 18

To find the total number of children, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 3/7, which is 7/3.

Total Number of Children = 18 * (7/3)

Simplifying, we get:

Total Number of Children = 126/3

Dividing, we find:

Total Number of Children = 42

Therefore, there were 42 children in total.

To find the number of girls, we can subtract the number of boys from the total number of children:

Number of Girls = Total Number of Children - Number of Boys
Number of Girls = 42 - 18
Number of Girls = 24

Therefore, there were 24 girls in total.

To find the total number of children, we need to know the fraction of boys in the group. In this case, we are told that 3/7 of the children were boys.

Step 1: Set up the proportion:
Let x be the total number of children. We can set up the proportion as:
(3/7) = 18/x

Step 2: Solve for x by cross-multiplying:
7 * 18 = 3 * x
126 = 3x

Step 3: Divide both sides by 3 to isolate x:
x = 126 / 3
x = 42

Therefore, there were 42 children in total.

To find the number of girls, we subtract the number of boys from the total number of children:
Number of girls = Total number of children - Number of boys
Number of girls = 42 - 18
Number of girls = 24

So, there were 24 girls in the group.