Help please with my 4th grade homework:William, Jan, and Greg have a total of $26. Greg has the most money.Jan has twice as much money as William.Greg has $11.How much money does Jan have? If you know this please help I turn this homework in tomorrow :)

start off with 26-11=15. everyone has to have less than 11 dollars. what two numbers can go into 15, but one has to be twice as much?

wouldn't you have to add them both wait no because greg has the most money so you would subtract both of them and thats your answer no?

William has $X.

Jan has $2x.
Greg has $11.

X + 2x + 11 = 26.
3x = 26 - 11 = 15,
X = 5.
2x = 2*5 = $10.

To solve this problem, we will use algebraic equations to represent the given information.

Let's assign variables to each person's amount of money:
Let W represent the amount of money William has.
Let J represent the amount of money Jan has.

Based on the given information:
1. Greg has $11, so G = 11.
2. Jan has twice as much money as William, so J = 2W.
3. The total amount of money they have is $26, so W + J + G = 26.

Substituting the given values into the total money equation:
W + J + G = 26
W + (2W) + 11 = 26
3W + 11 = 26

To isolate W, subtract 11 from both sides of the equation:
3W + 11 - 11 = 26 - 11
3W = 15

To solve for W, divide both sides of the equation by 3:
3W/3 = 15/3
W = 5

Therefore, William has $5.

Now we can find the amount of money Jan has by substituting the value of W back into their equation:
J = 2W
J = 2(5)
J = 10

Therefore, Jan has $10.