Indicate which type of reaction this belongs to

1) interaction of iron and steam in a closed solution
2) the action of chlorine on iron(ii)chloride solution?

To determine which type of reaction each scenario belongs to, we need to analyze the given information.

1) The interaction of iron and steam in a closed solution:
This scenario involves iron and steam. Since steam is water in its gaseous state (H2O), when it comes into contact with iron, it can potentially react. The reaction between iron and steam is known as the iron-water reaction or the formation of iron(III) oxide. The chemical equation for this reaction is:

3 Fe + 4 H2O -> Fe3O4 + 4 H2

Based on this information, the reaction between iron and steam in a closed solution is a redox reaction.

2) The action of chlorine on iron(II) chloride solution:
In this scenario, we have chlorine reacting with iron(II) chloride solution. Chlorine is a highly reactive nonmetal, and it can displace iron from its compounds. The chemical equation for this reaction is:

Cl2 + 2 FeCl2 -> 2 FeCl3

Based on this information, the action of chlorine on iron(II) chloride solution belongs to a redox reaction.

Therefore, both scenarios involve redox reactions.

1) The interaction of iron and steam in a closed solution belongs to a type of reaction called a redox reaction or a displacement reaction. In this case, iron reacts with steam (water vapor) to form iron(III) oxide and hydrogen gas.

2) The action of chlorine on iron(II) chloride solution belongs to a type of reaction called a redox reaction or a displacement reaction as well. In this case, chlorine reacts with iron(II) chloride to form iron(III) chloride and liberates chlorine gas.