What would be a real life example for the functions y=5x and y=5/x?


price of a meal is x
price of 5 meals is 5x

cost of a charter (in thousands) is x
cost per passenger is 5/x if there are x passengers

To find a real-life example for the functions y = 5x and y = 5/x, we can consider scenarios where one variable represents a quantity while the other variable represents the rate or inverse relationship.

For y = 5x, let's consider a situation where y represents the cost of purchasing x number of items at a fixed price. For example, let's say you wanted to buy some apples, and each apple costs $5. In this case, the cost y of buying x apples can be represented by the equation y = 5x. So if you wanted to buy 3 apples, the cost would be y = 5 * 3 = $15.

For y = 5/x, let's consider a scenario where y represents the time it takes to travel a distance x at a constant speed. Think of a car traveling a certain distance. The time it takes to cover that distance will vary based on the speed. So, if we assume a constant speed of 5 kilometers per hour, the time y it takes to travel x kilometers can be expressed as y = 5/x. For example, if you're traveling a distance of 10 kilometers, it would take y = 5/10 = 0.5 hours or 30 minutes.

In both cases, these examples demonstrate how the equations y = 5x and y = 5/x can be applied to real-life situations to represent a quantity and its relationship to another variable.