What would be a real life example for the functions y=5x and y=5/x

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However, if one item costs x, then what would 5 items cost?

A real-life example for the function y=5x can be found in determining the cost of purchasing multiple items. Imagine you want to buy a certain number of items, and each item costs $5. In this case, the total cost (y) will vary based on the number of items you want to buy (x).

To find the cost in this scenario, you could multiply the number of items (x) by the cost per item ($5), which gives you the equation y=5x. By plugging in different values of x (number of items), you can calculate the corresponding y (total cost).

For example:
- If you want to buy 2 items (x = 2), the total cost (y) would be 5 * 2 = $10.
- If you want to buy 5 items (x = 5), the total cost (y) would be 5 * 5 = $25.

Now, let's consider the function y=5/x. A real-life example for this function can be found in calculating the time it takes to complete a certain distance with varying speeds. Suppose you are traveling a distance and the time it takes (y) is dependent on your speed (x).

In this case, if you can maintain a constant speed of 5 miles per hour (mph), the equation y=5/x would represent the relationship between speed (x) and time taken (y) to travel a certain distance.

For example:
- If you travel at a speed of 2 mph (x = 2), the time taken to cover the distance (y) would be 5 / 2 = 2.5 hours.
- If you increase your speed to 10 mph (x = 10), the time taken to cover the same distance (y) would be 5 / 10 = 0.5 hours (or 30 minutes).

So, different values of x (speed) can be plugged into the equation to calculate the corresponding y (time taken) for traveling a specific distance.