1. Solve 5x*6×5*3*x-4

2. 3*4y*5 ×9*-2y*-2
3. 16x*5-4*-2x*3×(2x*2)*-3?

Not sure what your operators are. Are you using

× for multiply and
* for powers?
If so, then things are very confusing. Usually online we use
* for multiply
^ for exponents.
Maybe a few parentheses would also help...

x is just the normal x while the * is multiplication.

In that case,

could more properly be written as
That makes no sense either, unless you meant something like
5x * 6x^5 * 3x^-4 = (5*6*3)(x^5 * x^-4) = 90x

see what you can do with the others. That will
(a) show what you can do
(b) clarify your notation

To solve these expressions, we will follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

1. Solve 5x*6×5*3*x-4:
First, we simplify the expression by multiplying the numbers together. Starting with the multiplication operations:
5 * 6 = 30
30 * 5 = 150
Second, multiply the variables together:
x * x = x^2 (x squared)
Finally, put it all together:
150 * 3 * x^2 - 4 = 450x^2 - 4

2. Solve 3*4y*5 ×9*-2y*-2:
Again, we start with multiplication operations:
3 * 4 = 12
12 * 5 = 60
Next, we multiply the variables:
y * y = y^2 (y squared)
-2y * -2y = 4y^2
Multiply the remaining numbers:
60 * 9 = 540
Finally, put it all together:
540 * 4y^2 = 2160y^2

3. Solve 16x*5-4*-2x*3×(2x*2)*-3:
First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses:
2x * 2 = 4x
Next, multiply the remaining numbers and variables:
16 * 5 = 80
-4 * -2x = 8x
8x * 3 = 24x
Finally, multiply the last set of numbers or variables:
24x * 4x = 96x^2
Now, let's simplify the negative exponent:
-3 = 1 / 3 (take the reciprocal)
Putting it all together:
80 - 96x^2 * (1/3) = 80 - 32x^2 = -32x^2 + 80

In summary:
1. 5x*6×5*3*x-4 = 450x^2 - 4
2. 3*4y*5 ×9*-2y*-2 = 2160y^2
3. 16x*5-4*-2x*3×(2x*2)*-3 = -32x^2 + 80