In The Phantom Tollbooth, Act II, when you contrast Rhyme and Reason, you find that they feel differently about Milo's rescue attempt. Rhyme's attitude could best be described as

A. sad.
B. doubtful.
C. optimistic.
D. confident.

You have failed the vibe check @Weather. ANYWAYS

Cannot help you sorry D:
Again, i cant help you D:

Thinks @happypills

To determine Rhyme's attitude towards Milo's rescue attempt in Act II of The Phantom Tollbooth, we can look at the contrasting emotions between Rhyme and Reason. While Rhyme's attitude isn't explicitly mentioned, we can infer it by comparing it to Reason's feelings.

To find the answer, we need to go back to Act II of The Phantom Tollbooth and examine the scenes where Rhyme and Reason's emotions are described. We can look for any clues or statements that give us insight into Rhyme's attitude towards Milo's rescue attempt.

Once we find these scenes, we can analyze the context and dialogue to determine how Rhyme feels about the situation. By comparing Rhyme's emotions to the answer choices provided, we can choose the option that best describes Rhyme's attitude.

What do YOU think the answer is... We will NOT give you the answers, but we will tell you if you are right or wrong.