the function rule c=10n +26 relates the number of people n who attend a small concert to the cost in dollars c of the concert. make a table of the input/output pairs to show the cost if 27,39 and 43 people attend.

can someone walk me through this please?

nvm i figured it out

but I still need the answer

Give me that answer please

Sure! I can walk you through the process of creating a table of input/output pairs for the given function rule.

Step 1: Start by listing the given values for the number of people attending the concert (n).

Number of people (n): 27, 39, 43

Step 2: Now, substitute each value of n into the function rule c = 10n + 26 to determine the corresponding cost (c).

For n = 27:
Cost (c) = 10 * 27 + 26
Cost (c) = 270 + 26
Cost (c) = 296

For n = 39:
Cost (c) = 10 * 39 + 26
Cost (c) = 390 + 26
Cost (c) = 416

For n = 43:
Cost (c) = 10 * 43 + 26
Cost (c) = 430 + 26
Cost (c) = 456

Step 3: Now, create a table with two columns: one for the number of people attending (n) and another for the corresponding cost (c).

| Number of people (n) | Cost (c) |
| 27 | 296 |
| 39 | 416 |
| 43 | 456 |

That's it! You have successfully created a table of input/output pairs for the given function rule c = 10n + 26.