How do you find the missing height of a triangle?

that seems a little to complicated..... :(


height = h,
width = w,
hypotenuse = x
area = A
then, using the Pythagorean theorem,
h = (x^2 - w^2)^(0.5)
or, using the triangle area formula,
h = 2A/w

Note: Pythagorean theorem ONLY works with RIGHT-angled triangles (one angle of 90 degrees).

can you explain it to me?

Well, what are you being given to find the height?

it is a right angled triangle :) ( not mad)

19 cm is the base and the trapezoid's height is 10 cm

okay I will try to do it by my self

1 .Recall the formula for the area of a triangle. The formula for the area of a triangle is A=1/2bh. [1]

A = Area of the triangle
b = Length of the base of the triangle
h = Height of the base of the triangle

Look at your triangle and determine which variables you know. You already know the area, so assign that value to A. You should also know the value of one side length; assign that value to "'b'". Any side of a triangle can be the base, regardless of how the triangle is drawn. To visualize this, just imagine rotating the triangle until the known side length is at the bottom.
If you know that the area of a triangle is 20, and one side is 4, then:
A = 20 and b = 4.
Plug your values into the equation A=1/2bh and do the math. First multiply the base (b) by 1/2, then divide the area (A) by the product. The resulting value will be the height of your triangle!
20 = 1/2(4)h Plug the numbers into the equation.
20 = 2h Multiply 4 by 1/2.
10 = h Divide by 2 to find the value for height.

The Pythagorean Theorem is x^2 = h^2 + w^2.

Then, w^2 = x^2 - h^2.
Then, w = square root of (x^2 - h^2)
Note: The hypotenuse is the side facing the 90 degree angle.