Simple question, as others did not seem to understand my previous post. No copying and pasting googled definitions please.

Are pure herbivores considered predators of plants?

Pure herbivores are predators of plants because they feed of of plants

are you positive?

I don't think so, Because plants are not living creatures but they are living( but not creatures) Hope that answers it......I didn't search it

does that help? Plants are not living creatures so herbivores are not predators.

Plants are generally considered as alive organisms, just like you and I in life sciences.

To answer your question, let's break it down and look at the definitions of key terms.

1. Predator: A predator is an organism that hunts, kills, and consumes other organisms, referred to as prey.

2. Herbivore: A herbivore is an animal that primarily consumes plant matter as its diet.

Now, we can determine if pure herbivores are considered predators of plants. In general, herbivores are not considered predators of plants. This is because they do not actively hunt, kill, or consume plants in the same way that predators do with their prey. Instead, herbivores have evolved specialized digestive systems to efficiently extract nutrients from plants.

Herbivores have co-evolved with plants, and many plants have developed various defense mechanisms to deter herbivory. These defenses can include physical barriers (thorns, tough leaves), chemical compounds (toxins or bitter-tasting substances), and even attracting predators of herbivores to reduce the damage caused by herbivory.

So, while herbivores do consume plant material, they are not typically considered predators of plants, as the relationship between herbivores and plants is more complex and interconnected.