i need advise I failed maths and physics in term 1and I want to chance to economics and maths lits what must I do work hard or change subjects. What career can I do with my second choose of subjects

Study harder. Focus to everything said even if it is minor. Take notes.

If you failed math and physics in term 1 and you want to switch to economics and maths literacy, there are a few things you can consider.

1. Reflect on your performance: First, try to understand why you struggled with math and physics. Was it due to a lack of understanding, difficulty grasping concepts, or insufficient study habits? Identifying the root cause will help you determine the best way forward.

2. Seek support: Talk to your math and physics teachers about your challenges and ask for their guidance and support. They might be able to provide additional resources, offer extra tutoring, or recommend study techniques that could help you improve your grades.

3. Assess your interest and abilities: Consider your strengths and interests. Are you naturally inclined towards economics and math literacy, or are you choosing them simply because you didn't do well in math and physics? It's important to have genuine interest and motivation in the subjects you choose to pursue.

4. Research career options: If you decide to switch to economics and math literacy, it's essential to know the career paths that align with these subjects. While physics and mathematics open doors to various STEM fields, economics and math literacy can lead to careers in areas such as finance, business, data analysis, market research, or education. Researching these career options will give you a better understanding of the opportunities available.

5. Work hard: Whether you stick with math and physics or switch to economics and math literacy, hard work is crucial. Regardless of the subjects you choose, success will require consistent effort, effective time management, and dedication to studying and understanding the material.

Ultimately, the choice between sticking with math and physics or switching to economics and math literacy depends on your interest, abilities, and career goals. Reflect on your experiences, seek support, and make an informed decision based on what will enable you to succeed and pursue a career you find fulfilling.