What does the /ən/ sound make?

wooden and carton? does that have the /ən/ sound?


ok thx

You're welcome.

The /ən/ sound represents the syllable "-en" and can be found in words like "bitten," "taken," and "listen." To understand how to make the /ən/ sound, follow these steps:

1. Start by making the short "uh" sound (/ʌ/). You'll find that this sound is similar to pronouncing the "u" in "up" or "uh-oh."

2. Maintain the "uh" sound, but while doing so, gently add a nasal sound by allowing air to pass through your nose. This nasal sound makes the /ən/ sound.

3. Practice making the sound by saying words that contain the "-en" syllable, like "happen," "sudden," and "certain."

Remember, it's always helpful to listen to native English speakers as well to get a better understanding of the correct pronunciations.