Jack swam 3.4 miles in the same time that Christine swam 4.1 miles. How many more miles did Christine swim? in miles

You do 4.1-3.4 which is 0.7 And thats your answer! Your welcome!


I apologize, I do not understand the context of your response. Could you please provide more information or clarify your previous message?

To find how many more miles Christine swam compared to Jack, you need to subtract the distance Jack swam from the distance Christine swam.

First, let's find the difference in distances by subtracting 3.4 miles from 4.1 miles:

4.1 miles - 3.4 miles = 0.7 miles

Therefore, Christine swam 0.7 miles more than Jack.

You have two numbers. What do you think you should do with them?
